Amber is in the States right now for a little visit and to celebrate her brother's graduation from college and her friend's wedding! Fun stuff! So, I decided to post a few other photos that I had just to make it feel a little bit more like she's here=)

This is a self-explanatory picture. But, I must mention that this wasn't staged at all! I was diligently working at my computer one day, and there was an incoming Croc that landed just like this! Good thing the window wasn't open!

Now this picture shows another one of Amber's favorite tricks...the hairband snap. We will frequently be sitting at our weekly team meeting, and WHAM! She gets me. I will admit that this one is staged, but I'm pretty sure she let it rip for real after the picture was taken!
These other pictures are some shots of a great afternoon we had last Sunday. The weather was absolutely the low 70's and sunny! So, after church and a little lunch, Amber and I packed up and headed out without a definitely plan except a McDonald's McFlurry and making our way out to the Intemann's house for team worship by 5 o'clock. (I should add that, for Amber and I, to have a plan as loose as that is pretty "wild and crazy". We felt like real adventurers!) Our first stop was the McFlurry (we needed energy of course!), then we headed over to a park to sit in the sun for a while. It was absolutely wonderful. And, believe it or not, I didn't even get burned! (At the beginning of every summer, I inevitably labor under the delusion that I can sit outside in the sun for endless hours without SPF 522 sunscreen and walk away with a golden glow. Heck, in reality I'm doing good to be able to walk at that point!)
Anyhoo, after soaking up some rays for a while, we started on our journey out to the Intemann's. Just to put it in perspective, we usually have to take a 25 minute bus ride to get out there. I'm guessing that, from the park, it was about a 4 mile walk. It was great. Here are some of the shots from along the way.
This is the view from where we were sitting at the park. I don't know if you can tell or not, but it's a sandbox. Not quite the beach, but it was the closest we could get on short notice =)
This is in front of one of the post offices in the city. Every spring, they spell out "Olsztyn" in flowers and make the city symbol with flowers as well.
As we walked we came upon a circus! Circuses and carnivals frequently pop up on random corners here throughout the spring and summer. And this was literally a travelling big top circus! They just roll into town, throw up the tent, and...well, do whatever you do at a circus in Europe. We saw some elephants as we walked by. And, when we were on the return trip (on the bus this time!) there was NO sign that there had ever been a circus there. Everything was gone...well, except for the smell, according to Ala who lives nearby.
That sounds like a great day, and I love the beautiful blue sky. I'm waiting to see another one of those soon.
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