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The Birthday Continues...
I almost forgot to post pictures of my "Lake Erie in a box" birthday package from my parents! Sheesh!
Have no fear, here they are.
Let's just start with the center, the coup de gras: a piece of genuine Lake Erie driftwood, with a message spelled out in alphabet noodles!!! Does anyone reading this blog remember doing that on seashells??? Yes, my mom did this for my birthday and wrote: "HAPPY BIRTHDAY JESSICA, LOVE AND HUGS, MOM AND DAD". How great is that?? She even glued some genuine Lake Erie sand on there, too, as well as sent a little bag of sand, a few shells, some lake glass, and two lucky stones that my dad hunted down! There was also a Beach Towel scented candle (it smells great but cracks me beach towel NEVER smells good!), foot lotion (to be ready for sandals), sunless tanner, a little notepad with a lighthouse on it, and Tranquil Waters scented oil.'s almost like sticking my toes in the water. Thanks mom and dad!
Now, let me first preface by saying that I'm not a huge fan of just slapping a picture of myself on here, but I wanted to show off the pretty shirt my grandma Davis sent me. It's so cute! And, it is perfect for summer here, as it's not usually too hot. I love it! Thanks grandma!
Also, if you look close enough, you can see my other birthday present from my parents: earrings and a necklace made of Lake Erie lakeglass! Seriously! I love it--it's a great gift and so special! You can check out the website where they bought it here.
It looks and sounds like you had a pretty special birthday week! Thanks for sharing it blogg-style.
I will definitely be checking out the lake glass jewelry site.
Aunt Barb
I didn't realize what a theme I had going at first, or shouldn't I admit that? That sweater looks very nice on you, and I could see the jewelry when i enlarged it. I thought your link would be to the store in Vermilion, but that's interesting that it's made in Geneva (or Conneaut, but I prefer to think it came from Geneva.) We hope you enjoy it all. Love ya!
Oh my gosh, yes, I totally remember alphabet noodles on seashells! Didn't we do that in Myrtle Beach??? Classic.
Love the jewels, and that green top looks great on you- good color for you. Happy birthday week!
What a fun birthday package! Love the alphabet noodles on the drift wood (unfortunately, I was somehow left out of that activity. Maybe we should schedule craft time for our next family beach day in Huron). I'm off to check ou the lake glass jewelry site!
That is so crazy... I was at Applebees with a ton of coworkers a few hours ago and a discussion of collecting rocks turned to me discussing sea glass (ok, so maybe it's lake glass, since it came from a LAKE! Duh Jill) and how much I loved looking for it and finding it. Now I can't wait to check out the jewelry!
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