These are just some random photos and things I've wanted to share with you all. (Please keep in mind that "random" is the key word here)
For those of you who have known me for any amount of time, you may have picked up on my love (ahem...obsession) for anything beach, water, Lake Erie related. Has anyone noticed? Well, when I lived in Huron (about two blocks from the beach!), my love/obsession stemmed as far as enjoying sweeping up the endless amounts of sand that was tracked into my little house. I seriously liked it. It felt like having a bit of my beloved beach right there in my house.
Well, let me just say that they use sand here to spread on the snow to make it less slippery. Can you see where this is heading? Yes, it's true. I still get to sweep up piles of sand...and I kind of enjoy it!
Now, this next picture is pretty self explanatory. Kind of. Amber, our friend Izabela, and I were walking through Old Town last Friday and saw this poor little pigeon walking around with his buddies. Yes, that is a crust of bread around his neck. Your guess is as good as mine as to how this occured, but his "buddies" were actually coming up to him and pecking at the bread! Sheesh! It's hard to find a good friend these days!
And, finally, just a shot of the snow that actually showed up last week! It started snowing on Thursday evening, but it was only a dusting. Then, Friday afternoon, it started again and we had snow showers throughout the afternoon and into the evening. As far as winters go, this one has been kind of a dud here! I was actually hoping to have a real Polish winter and have been looking forward to snow. Who would have ever thought I would actually want snow! Wonders never cease =)
Those are great pictures! The pigeon is hysterical. I'll bet the other pigeons were just jealous that they didn't have any bling. I notice there are pigeon shadows, too, so at least you had sun. The snow picture looks like it should be a snow globe. Very cool!
The pigeon picture needs to be enlarged and framed! I was just entertained by the "ice cream and cake" dance moves on Amber's you tube blogg entry! what fun!
Aunt Barb
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