-my FatBaby boots. I love them. They are comfortable, even for walking long distances around here, warm, dry, and just so darned cute! They are well worth every penny spent!
-my new pink ipod arm band holder thing. This was part of Kyle's Christmas gift to me and I've used it several times to run already and it's great. The whole reason I needed a new MP3 player for Christmas was that I dropped my previous one while running! (have I ever mentioned that I'm not very graceful?)
-my "winter" Polish pottery mug. It makes me so happy to drink tea and coffee from this mug. I bought it back in November anticipating many winter nights, sitting around sipping a hot beverage, as the wind and snow swirled about outside. Still waiting on that one.
-that little slip of paper is a pierogi recipe a friend of ours gave us. It's actually her mom's recipe and we tried it out this past Saturday. They turned out pretty good. Lots of work (at least for a rookie such as myself), but we think that next time, we'll try using some fresh fruit. The potato filling was good, but it won't be long until fresh raspberry season here and that would be delicious!
-the "It's a 10" miracle hair product from Lori. Short of having a personal hair assistant to do my hair every morning, this is the best thing that has happened to my hair in a long time. My hair is very happy.
-the purse Amber gave me for Christmas. I smile every time I sling it over my shoulder. I just love it!
-my copy of Lord of the Rings. This wouldn't have ordinarily been my typical choice in reading material, but a friend suggested it and it's so good! I've read The Hobbit and am almost finished with Lord of the Rings. Definitely enjoying it.
-Good Earth Red Tea. Wonderful. Fabulous. A party in my mouth. A celebration of taste. I could go on, but I will just say that Alethea introduced me to this tea, and upon tasting, I quickly ordered some online, had it sent to my parents, and had them send it to me. If you like red hots in your apple cider, I think you will like this tea. Just a hint, if you ever try some, taste it without sugar in it first...I personally think it doesn't need any, it's great just as it is.
-my bottle of Mountain Mourning body oil (ok, it's actually massage oil, but I call it body oil). My friend Brandi gave me this for Christmas and it's been wonderful for the dry skin. It's from a company in Fremont, Ohio called the Not Just a Soap Company. The oil smells like patchouli, which is one of my favorite scents...even though someone once told me I smelled like a Grateful Dead concert. You just keep on truckin' man, and I'll keep wearing my patchouli.
Before I go, I feel the need to apologize to anyone still reading this post. I have wasted several valuable moments of your life. But, hey, these are the things you do to entertain yourself when you live in a foreign country. Enjoy =)
Boring? Hardly. More like enthralling! Well, at least interesting. I like the composition of your first pix. I'm just always excited to see a new post, so put on whatever you like. It's another way to bring you closer. Maybe you could make that into a song: Pink i-pod arm band and Fat Baby boots... Can you hear it? Practice it for our next conversation. Love ya!
i love your purse!! and i am impressed that your bed goes from day to night, because let's be honest here, if that were mine i wouldnt fold all those sheets up every day and remake the bed every night, i'd probably just push the sheets off to the side or something.
glad you like the "10". Let me know when you need a refill.
Thanks for sharing a little more of your life in Poland! I'd like to try that tea. Maybe your mom will invite me to have a cup of tea on the deck :) Aunt Barb
Not boring at all!! I may have to try that tea. I'm a tea-junky! I think I'll pass on the oil though - patchouli is my least favorite scent (I agree with the Grateful Dead concert similarity. I've never been to one, but I'm sure that's what it would smell like!). Love your purse. It's a Vera Bradley, right?
i tried to find red tea today, unsuccessfully. where (in the u.s.) do you find it?
I have the same questions--where do you get the Red Tea (red hots in hot juice is a Lehman tradition) and is the purse Vera Bradley? Also, don't know what Fat Baby boots are (I'm not very stylish..ask Jenna) but they are very cute. Love the way you arranged all--nice composition. Aunt Jenni
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