I've loved having her around and am amazed at what a good dog she is. To be real honest, I think we were all a little unsure about Brutus's mental stability last Christmas, which is the only time I'd ever met her. She was insane. But, she's calmed down so much and is really a great little girl! And have I mentioned that she's so stinkin' cute! Here are a few pictures to prove it.
Monday, November 24, 2008
This past week I've had a houseguest! And she's so cute! Kyle was planning to visit some friends in Columbus over the weekend, so I said I'd keep his dog, Brutus (don't let the name confuse you; she's a girl, she's just a big Ohio State fan and REALLY enjoyed the game this past weekend). Well, we figured I might as well keep her for the rest of the week since he'd be back up this way on Wednesday for Thanksgiving and I'm doing...well, not much of anything right now!
I've loved having her around and am amazed at what a good dog she is. To be real honest, I think we were all a little unsure about Brutus's mental stability last Christmas, which is the only time I'd ever met her. She was insane. But, she's calmed down so much and is really a great little girl! And have I mentioned that she's so stinkin' cute! Here are a few pictures to prove it.
I was folding some laundry this morning and she crawled under my bed and just stuck her head out and watched. There's absolutely nothing under my bed, but I guess it just looked cozy to her!
What a little lady, sitting with her paws crossed and enjoying the heat! She learned this from her time with Aunt Jessica. She needed some "girl time". Too much time with all those boys at Kyle's house!
Her favorite spot: in front of the door waiting to go out. She loves taking walks. Also, I think she likes my boots. (you can't really tell in any of these photos, but Kyle has a black and white polka dot and pink trimmed collar on her! I applaud him for embracing her girl-ness, even with a name like "Brutus"!)
I've loved having her around and am amazed at what a good dog she is. To be real honest, I think we were all a little unsure about Brutus's mental stability last Christmas, which is the only time I'd ever met her. She was insane. But, she's calmed down so much and is really a great little girl! And have I mentioned that she's so stinkin' cute! Here are a few pictures to prove it.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Ohio Days
Well, apparently I'm in the blogging mood today, because I'm going for two posts in one day! So, to pick up where I left off...since I returned from Florida and visiting friends and family, I've been here in Huron, Ohio, where I lived before heading over to Poland. I'm back in my little cottage, so it's really strange. Some nights, I lay in bed and think "was that all real? Did I really live in Poland for two years?" It's that weird feeling of everything feels the same, yet it all seems so different too.
Anyhoo, I've been spending my time still visiting people and getting settled, as well as starting to work on a job search. I've applied to a few pre-school programs and am waiting to hear about some positions open. I don't really have a long range plan at this point, just to get a job for the next few months and go from there. I read this the other morning and it brought me comfort as I wait on the Lord:
"Every day of my life was recorded in Your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed." Psalm 139:16
Even though I have no idea what's going on, I'm going to believe that the Lord does!
So, meanwhile, while I have a little free time on my hands, I've been just trying to enjoy the rest that the Lord has provided in this time. Today, after walking down to my parent's house to put away some thawing meat (that's the luxury of living down the street from one another!), I bundled up and headed down to the beach and tried to take a few pictures. But, as with most things in nature, a photo just absolutely doesn't do God's creation justice. It was amazing. And, yes, I do understand that not everyone finds beauty in the muddy brown, cold waters of Lake Erie, but for whatever reason, I just love it and find it absolutely beautiful. We've had cold weather and a little bit of snow over the past few days and I'm even loving that. Of course, I loved laying on the beach in Florida, but I am also enjoying the approaching winter here in Ohio. There's a different kind of beauty to winter, but beauty nonetheless. And add in there a strong northwest wind and a stirred up lake...well, here are a few weak attempts to capture it.
The Huron Lighthouse (although, to keep it real here, I must add that this isn't really much of a lighthouse. I was with some friends coming in one really rough night and we didn't see the "lighthouse" until we were pretty much right next to it. It wasn't exactly the beacon of hope, guiding us safely to shore, that I had always romantically dreamed it would be. Oh well!)

Anyhoo, I've been spending my time still visiting people and getting settled, as well as starting to work on a job search. I've applied to a few pre-school programs and am waiting to hear about some positions open. I don't really have a long range plan at this point, just to get a job for the next few months and go from there. I read this the other morning and it brought me comfort as I wait on the Lord:
"Every day of my life was recorded in Your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed." Psalm 139:16
Even though I have no idea what's going on, I'm going to believe that the Lord does!
So, meanwhile, while I have a little free time on my hands, I've been just trying to enjoy the rest that the Lord has provided in this time. Today, after walking down to my parent's house to put away some thawing meat (that's the luxury of living down the street from one another!), I bundled up and headed down to the beach and tried to take a few pictures. But, as with most things in nature, a photo just absolutely doesn't do God's creation justice. It was amazing. And, yes, I do understand that not everyone finds beauty in the muddy brown, cold waters of Lake Erie, but for whatever reason, I just love it and find it absolutely beautiful. We've had cold weather and a little bit of snow over the past few days and I'm even loving that. Of course, I loved laying on the beach in Florida, but I am also enjoying the approaching winter here in Ohio. There's a different kind of beauty to winter, but beauty nonetheless. And add in there a strong northwest wind and a stirred up lake...well, here are a few weak attempts to capture it.
So, just in case there is any one person still remaining in the world who actually checks this thing, here is a little "catch up" on what's been going on since I returned to the west side of the pond! I know it's been three weeks, so I apologize that it's been so long and thank you SO much for those of you who have asked how I'm doing, what I'm up to and prayed for this transition. It surely hasn't been easy, so thank you and please keep praying!
I returned to the states on Tuesday October 28th, to see my parents waiting with sheer joy and excitement at baggage claim at Cleveland Hopkins International Airport. It was a good sight. My little legs couldn't carry me fast enough down the corridor to baggage claim! Anyhoo, on Thursday, my parents and brother and I headed to Florida for a few days to unwind and spend time together before everyone runs off to work and whatnot. It was FABULOUS! And, as is usual if you know my family, we created quite a few memories. Let's just say that we started calling ourselves the "Griswolds". If you've ever seen the National Lampoon's movies, this should give you a feel for the kinds of things that happened. I wouldn't have it any other way! We laid on the beach, collected shells, Kyle fished, ate good seafood, played cards (my dad and I were victorious, I might add!), and just generally enjoyed being together and relaxing.
Here are a few of my favorite photos from the trip. I should also mention that we stayed at an over-55 only mobile home retirement community. All I'm saying is that I'm pretty much ready to be 55 and retire to Florida and get a golf cart.
Kyle and my dad "talkin' fish". This was right before the above-mentioned pelican incident. Seriously, ask him sometime. It's classic and goes right along with the "Griswold" thing.
My mom and dad and I went on a little walk one morning. We were scoping out the "retirement villa" and were on our way to see one of the pools, when a kind lady told us about this bridge and the alligator that lives there. We looked for Al the whole time we were there, but as far as I know, no luck. Maybe next time we can have a run-in with a big, scary, meat eating alligator--if we're lucky!
As I said, my dad and I returned on Tuesday evening, and the following Friday I headed down to Dayton to see some girlfriends from college and go to a bridal shower for one of them on Saturday. It was so great to see these girls again and I'm looking forward to seeing more of them at the wedding in a couple of weeks! I trekked from Dayton to Urbana to visit family and had another great reunion. I got to visit with my grandma, aunt and uncle, cousins and their adorable kids! It was great to see them and I'm glad I didn't have to wait until Thanksgiving to see them.
Well, I think I'll end this "quick" update here and add some more in another post!
Monday, October 13, 2008
Last Tuesday night, we had Ala and Nina over for Mexican night! We dined on fajitas, burritos, chips, refried beans, and salsa. All topped off with a nice pecan pie. I know...who eats pecan pie with Mexican food???? Girls who have pecans to use before they leave in two weeks. That's who.
Anyhoo, we were very cautious to not make anything too spicy, but like a trooper, Nina added jalapenos AND hot sauce to her fajita! Atta girl!
It's always so much fun to have these girls over, and I'll admit it got a little emotional at one point in the evening. However, we hung out with them this afternoon for a bit, and are making plans to see them at least one more time. I really can't put into words how strange it feels to be leaving here. I don't think I ever really thought it would happen. And, here it is, time to pack and say goodbye. Please continue to pray for Ala and Nina, that their eyes and hearts would be opened to see Jesus and grow to know His love for them and love Him more and more. Also, please pray for Amber and I as we wrap things up here. Please pray for the transition and how to end well. It sure isn't going to be easy to leave these people (especially these girls!) or this place =) Thank you!
It's always so much fun to have these girls over, and I'll admit it got a little emotional at one point in the evening. However, we hung out with them this afternoon for a bit, and are making plans to see them at least one more time. I really can't put into words how strange it feels to be leaving here. I don't think I ever really thought it would happen. And, here it is, time to pack and say goodbye. Please continue to pray for Ala and Nina, that their eyes and hearts would be opened to see Jesus and grow to know His love for them and love Him more and more. Also, please pray for Amber and I as we wrap things up here. Please pray for the transition and how to end well. It sure isn't going to be easy to leave these people (especially these girls!) or this place =) Thank you!
Ala and Nina serving themselves some Mexican! They really liked the refried beans. I really liked it ALL!
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
A Surreal Reality
This past Sunday our whole team headed out to nearby Olsztynek for church. It was a goodbye for Amber, Patsy, and myself. It's getting very real, day by day, that I'm leaving this place in just under three weeks and may not see my friends again, this side of eternity. It's such a strange feeling. I guess in the states you know that, if wanted, you can travel fairly easily to see someone. Not so easy to get here. It's a very surreal feeling.
Anyhoo...the church prayed for us and Marcin presented each of us with three beautiful doilies that his mother made. Then, we headed upstairs for tea and coffee and cakes, then down to Marcin and Monika's home for soup, kotlet (a fried pork-steak of sorts), potatoes, tomatoes, homemade pickles and salads. It was such a wonderful day. It has been such an amazing blessing to have gotten to know them. They are such a neat couple (who will expand their family in March!!!) who just genuinely love people and long for the people in their town and villages nearby to meet Jesus in a real and life-changing way. And they are such people of faith. They truly trust the Lord to provide for their needs and have experienced Him in amazing ways doing so. I'm going to miss them. I've learned a LOT about loving, giving, serving, and ministering from them both. I've also laughed a lot with them. If you think about it, please pray for them, as Marcin is going to Siberia next week (Oct. 15-Nov 17), and for Monika, who is pregnant. Please pray for Marcin's safety as he travels and for Monika and the baby. She's had a few problems throughout her pregnancy, but seems to be doing better other than still having low iron. But again, their outlook through the whole thing has been to look to the Lord and trust Him. Did I mention that I love these people?!?!?
Group Shot: Monika wanted to be sure to get a profile picture so "baby" is included too =) They're going to be amazing parents!
Some of the ladies of the church working to prepare coffee, tea, and cakes. They are such examples of hospitality and service. Amber, Patsy, and I have all learned lots about hospitality and service from these ladies and many others in Poland.
Sean (our "boss") and Marcin. The Lord has really done a neat thing in putting these two together. They are ministry partners, but friends too. And, as a sidenote, Sean is standing up against a ceramic heater that is awesome to stand by in the winter! This is how Marcin and Monika heat their home and it's still fairly common here in Poland. There's a little door on the side where you put in the coal or whatever you're going to burn and it heats the whole place up! There's also a little shelf where you can keep baked goods warm...or dry out wet clothes!
These are the doilies Marcin's mother made for us. We each got three, two white and one with different colors. They are absolutely beautiful. I'd wanted something pretty like this to take back with me, but I never would have dreamed of having something as beautiful as this and so special! I'm planning to have them matted and framed when I get back to the states.
Anyhoo...the church prayed for us and Marcin presented each of us with three beautiful doilies that his mother made. Then, we headed upstairs for tea and coffee and cakes, then down to Marcin and Monika's home for soup, kotlet (a fried pork-steak of sorts), potatoes, tomatoes, homemade pickles and salads. It was such a wonderful day. It has been such an amazing blessing to have gotten to know them. They are such a neat couple (who will expand their family in March!!!) who just genuinely love people and long for the people in their town and villages nearby to meet Jesus in a real and life-changing way. And they are such people of faith. They truly trust the Lord to provide for their needs and have experienced Him in amazing ways doing so. I'm going to miss them. I've learned a LOT about loving, giving, serving, and ministering from them both. I've also laughed a lot with them. If you think about it, please pray for them, as Marcin is going to Siberia next week (Oct. 15-Nov 17), and for Monika, who is pregnant. Please pray for Marcin's safety as he travels and for Monika and the baby. She's had a few problems throughout her pregnancy, but seems to be doing better other than still having low iron. But again, their outlook through the whole thing has been to look to the Lord and trust Him. Did I mention that I love these people?!?!?
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
By Request
Sunday, October 05, 2008
The REST of the Story....
Well, if you've been waiting in anxious anticipation (or been checking FB like Jill!), here's the scoop on the "something special" that Amber and I did on Friday. (also, if you've really been waiting in anxious anticipation, I'd really like to suggest finding a hobby, because this really isn't all that exciting! There's got to be more out there!)
So, here it is: I got a tattoo!!! Yes, it's true. Amber got one too. We went with our friends Ala and Nina on Friday and, would you believe, I have woken up every morning since and checked...and it's still there! It doesn't come off in the shower. Yep. It's there for good.
I got the word "hope" (with a little heart in the 'o') on the top of my foot. Amber got the word "faithful" in the same spot with a little red flower beside it (and the "tattoo guy" as well as another guy there asked if that was the right way to spell it, with only one 'l'. We said yes...then double checked to be sure!) I chose the word "hope" because it's something I've learned a lot about here in Poland and will remind me of my time here and it's something that has become even more precious to me. If I may bend your ear for a moment....
"Hope" means a confident expectation and I love knowing that the word "hope" tattooed on my foot isn't coming off. I can confidently tattoo this word on my foot because my hope in Christ will never, ever fail me. He will never fail me. No matter what happens in life, Christ will never change and His promises will still stand, and in this is my hope; this is my confident expectation. It's so easy to put hope in other things, but there's always an uncertainty about it. Money (the current economic situation says it all!), people, jobs, stuff, my own abilities...whatever. BUT, I can't fully rest in any of that because it can change and fail! In Christ, I can exhale and rest and stand confidently knowing that He will never change, will never fail me, and has made amazing promises in His Word to me...promises to never leave me, to direct my steps, to hold me and not let me fall, to be near to me, and on and on. Throughout my time here, I've needed to lean on Christ more than I can say. And I will be the first to admit that I didn't always do it so well (this is a good time to add that this hope in Christ has NOTHING to do with me or anything I've done or with being here in particular...it's to all of us that His hope is offered--freely and abundantly which is yet another reason I wantd this word as a tattoo!). But, it's just been a time of discovering that, when you have nowhere else to turn and are in a foreign land without family and familiar friends, with a language you cannot speak or understand and you feel like it's all chaos...there's hope. Because Christ hasn't changed and His promises haven't changed either. I've learned to just sit down and, when I didn't know what else to do, to hope. And not that "wow, I hope we have nice weather this weekend" kind of hope. The kind of hope that you can stake your whole life on and know that He will come through.
I don't know if any of that makes any sense, but I just wanted to try to share my heart a little bit about something that I've learned here, and I'm sure will continue to learn throughout my life. And, of course, there are MANY other things I've learned. I could probably fill up my whole body with tattoos about things that have been significant over the past two years...but, don't worry mom and dad, I won't!
Now, for some pictures of the "big" day =)
Nina, Ala and Amber waiting for the big event to begin. Ala was more scared and nervous for us than Amber and I combined!
Amber went first and noticed how surreal it was to be sitting on a table, getting a tattoo, in Poland, looking out the window at the steeple from a 14th century church. This has definitely got to go on the "never thought I'd be doing that" list!
The "tattoo guy" (we never even asked his name!) getting ready for me. He did a great job and, at the end when he was giving us our after-care instructions, broke out some of the best english!
work in progress
The results! We later read on the internet that wrapping them in plastic wrap is apparently pretty bad for tattoos, so we took it off quickly. Then we sat around all night saying "what??? we really have tattoos???"
So, here it is: I got a tattoo!!! Yes, it's true. Amber got one too. We went with our friends Ala and Nina on Friday and, would you believe, I have woken up every morning since and checked...and it's still there! It doesn't come off in the shower. Yep. It's there for good.
I got the word "hope" (with a little heart in the 'o') on the top of my foot. Amber got the word "faithful" in the same spot with a little red flower beside it (and the "tattoo guy" as well as another guy there asked if that was the right way to spell it, with only one 'l'. We said yes...then double checked to be sure!) I chose the word "hope" because it's something I've learned a lot about here in Poland and will remind me of my time here and it's something that has become even more precious to me. If I may bend your ear for a moment....
"Hope" means a confident expectation and I love knowing that the word "hope" tattooed on my foot isn't coming off. I can confidently tattoo this word on my foot because my hope in Christ will never, ever fail me. He will never fail me. No matter what happens in life, Christ will never change and His promises will still stand, and in this is my hope; this is my confident expectation. It's so easy to put hope in other things, but there's always an uncertainty about it. Money (the current economic situation says it all!), people, jobs, stuff, my own abilities...whatever. BUT, I can't fully rest in any of that because it can change and fail! In Christ, I can exhale and rest and stand confidently knowing that He will never change, will never fail me, and has made amazing promises in His Word to me...promises to never leave me, to direct my steps, to hold me and not let me fall, to be near to me, and on and on. Throughout my time here, I've needed to lean on Christ more than I can say. And I will be the first to admit that I didn't always do it so well (this is a good time to add that this hope in Christ has NOTHING to do with me or anything I've done or with being here in particular...it's to all of us that His hope is offered--freely and abundantly which is yet another reason I wantd this word as a tattoo!). But, it's just been a time of discovering that, when you have nowhere else to turn and are in a foreign land without family and familiar friends, with a language you cannot speak or understand and you feel like it's all chaos...there's hope. Because Christ hasn't changed and His promises haven't changed either. I've learned to just sit down and, when I didn't know what else to do, to hope. And not that "wow, I hope we have nice weather this weekend" kind of hope. The kind of hope that you can stake your whole life on and know that He will come through.
I don't know if any of that makes any sense, but I just wanted to try to share my heart a little bit about something that I've learned here, and I'm sure will continue to learn throughout my life. And, of course, there are MANY other things I've learned. I could probably fill up my whole body with tattoos about things that have been significant over the past two years...but, don't worry mom and dad, I won't!
Now, for some pictures of the "big" day =)
*Ok, not that this post isn't already long enough, but here goes. Does anyone else (i.e.- cousins who spent time at the trailer in the 80's) remember the poster we used to have at the trailer of the little guy from Fantasy Island? You know, the "De plane, boss! De plane!" guy?? I have NO idea why that was hanging up in the trailer, but talking about tattoos made me think of it and thinking about it brought a smile to my face. Just thought I'd share =)
Saturday, October 04, 2008
I just really can't think of a title here!
So, here's another quick little update of things going on around Northeast Poland...which will only be my home for about another 3 weeks and is CRAZY! Anyhoo...here are some pictures of what we've been up to.
This is our language partner, Bozena. We have met with her off and on for about a year and spend some time practicing her english and our Polish. It's always nice to spend time with her in her home. We got to visit with her for a while last week and I got to give her a pair of my grandma Davis's world-famous baby booties for the little baby girl she's expecting in November!
This past Thursday, Bailey, Amber and I went out to our friend Agnieszka's school to help with European Languages Day! (don't tell...but we were there under the cover of British English!). Agnieszka teaches english there and we got to visit several classrooms and were pretty impressed by the english skills of these kids.
And, last but not least, a little picture of Amber and me in a special place doing something pretty special. More details to come.... =)
*and, yes, in answer to some questions, I did get a haircut! A couple of weekends ago, we were in Riga, Latvia for a retreat. There was a small group of Americans that came to help, and this group included an awesome hair stylist who was giving free haircuts! He also chose two random people for a make-over (where he has free reign to do what he wants to the hair) and I was one of them! He cut off several inches and it feels SO much better. He also showed me a picture of his daughter whose hair color is similar to mine, with dark black streaks in the front. I opted out on that one and, thankfully, he didn't have any hair color with him! (it actually looked pretty cool, but I just don't think I'm the black streak type!). So, that's the hair story. And check back soon for the rest of the story about the picture above!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Speed Update!!!
Sorry I haven't updated this thing in, um, quite a while. =) I go through blog burnout every once in a while, so please forgive me, if anyone is still reading this! =)
So, in an attempt to catch you up on what's going on here, here are the past few weeks in pictures!
I'll tell you what, if it's not one thing, it's another with us. For those of you that know, Amber and I have quite a history of "mishaps" and we now have another to add to our list! A couple of weeks ago, I was getting some water to start washing the dishes, when I moved the faucet, the thing just snapped and broke and water started squirting out of the top! So, until Sean (thankfully!) came and rescued us and fixed it, we were hauling jugs of water from the shower to the sink to wash dishes. Needless to say, it was a four hand operation and made us feel like we were real "pioneer women"!
The Tour De Pologne rolled through Olsztyn again last week. It was a super cold day, but we all bundled up to head out and check it out. The hi-light was seeing this monster truck roll through. No, not with the bikes. There are several different vehicles that come through first for advertisements. I mean, nothing says America like a big monster truck, right?!?!
Last weekend, I was blessed to be able to attend a retreat for singles all throughout this region in Riga, Latvia (confession: didn't know Latvia was a country until I came to this part of the world!). It was so wonderful to get together with old friends, meet new friends, and just have a time to be refreshed and refocused on Christ. Sunday we celebrated Bailey's birthday before we headed to Vilnius, Lithuania where we stayed for the night, then headed back to Olsztyn the next day.
Another picture of some wonderful ladies I got to hang out with in Riga. Definitely one of the best parts of this experience has been meeting so many amazing people. I am blessed.
Bailey, Sarah (a journeyman from Krakow) and Amber in the van on the ride from Riga to Vilnius (thankfully we had a couple of great guys to drive and navigate...left more time for us to talk and sing!). And here is where my sentimentality (is that a word??) comes in...I took this picture, because as I sat there looking at these ladies, I was overwhelmed with how much I'm going to miss them and these experiences. For those of you who don't know, I'm headed back to the states on October 28th, so my time here is running very short, and it's becoming more and more real that this chapter is ending. I'm not too sure what to make of it. It's such a strange mix of emotions to be thinking of right now. Please pray for me as I finish my time here, it's going to be rough. Amber and I are trying to make connections this last month and I'd also ask you to pray for that. I really want to make the most of these last meetings, so please pray for open doors and boldness, yet sensitivity to the Spirit of God as we connect one last time.
So, in an attempt to catch you up on what's going on here, here are the past few weeks in pictures!
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Pay it Forward
I'm borrowing this idea from Amber, who also gave me a head's up this morning about some free music to download. Among many other things, one of the best things about living with Amber has been hearing some different music that I probably wouldn't have otherwise known about or listened to. People like Dave Barnes, Colbie Caillat, Coldplay, Matt Kearney, Damien Rice, and Matt Wertz just to name a few. Anyhoo, she also likes this girl, JJ Heller and found some of her music on itunes a while ago. JJ has just released another album and is offering it on her website for free until November! I downloaded it this morning and really, really like it. She's kind of folky and relaxing. I guess you could say she has Christian lyrics, but her music is really good too (sadly, those two don't always go hand in hand!). So, kind of like that movie "Pay it Forward", I'm passing this head's up along to you (whoever "you" readers may be!). Just click on the link below to check her out. (no matter what, you should go to her blog...there are some of the cutest things on there, especially if you're crafty and creative and looking for inspiration, which I am not, but "you" might be!). If you decide to give her a listen, I hope you enjoy!
Bust a Move
Today was a day we'd been waiting for for quite a while here in Olsztyn...the Crush Moves Break Dancing Competition. Yes, it's true. We first saw the advertisements for this event at the beginning of the summer as we were looking at the poster for the summer arts events and have been waiting for it ever since. The morning broke cloudy and ominous and we were disheartened by several rain showers, threatening our trip to the ampitheater to see the competition. Around 1:30 we finally decided we had to take the risk. If something is important enough in your life, you take these chances. We bundled up (yes, I did say "we bundled up" on August 30. I wore a sweater and a scarf and wasn't too warm!) and headed up, hoping that the rain would hold off. And, boy, let me tell you how thankful I am we took this risk. It was SO worth it! The rain did indeed hold off and it turned out to be a really nice afternoon. We enjoyed some kickin' break dancing (with a cup of coffee at a little cafe during the freestyle rapping--not my favorite) from girls, guys, young, and not-so-young. Now, I do have to say that some of the moves looked similar to some of my dance moves, which is kind of embarassing, but by and large, they were good dancers and had some moves! Here are a few pictures to enjoy:
It was a good day.
Friday, August 22, 2008
Memory Lane....
So, I've been AWOL from the blog world for a while...first, we were without internet for about 12 days (the first few days were kind of fun and "rustic"...but then I grew somewhat crazy without it, so all of mankind should be thankful it's back!), second, there just hasn't been much going on lately, so I've been rather uninspired! However, all it took was some fun with this great website (www.yearbookyourself.com) for the inspiration to return. Check out these fun/disgusting pictures of my family as we would have looked throughout different years and styles. Kyle's picture worked so well, he got a small slideshow dedicated to himself! Also, it's his birthday today, so he gets the extra honor =) I'm sure this is just what he wanted!
Dad--1960. I'm pretty sure this one's actually pretty accurate!
mom--1962...I'll bet she used pop cans and an iron to achieve that look!!!
Me--1994...this is Amber's handiwork and it's absolutely disgusting! Gross!
And, finally, Kyle. I think he was destined to have a mullet!

And, finally, Kyle. I think he was destined to have a mullet!
Thursday, July 31, 2008
After the week of ministry in the different villages, Amber, Patsy, Juanita, Bailey and I travelled with the volunteer team down to the south of Poland to Krakow for a little sightseeing and shopping. I had been there once before when my parents visited last summer, but it was great to make the trip again. While we were there, we got to meet up with another of the girls (Sarah) doing the same 2 year program that I am (the Journeyman program) that we'd met for the first time in Finland. It was so great getting to spend time with her and she did an awesome job showing us around the city and pointing out interesting facts...most of which I have since forgotten! I do know that we got to see the castle, the former Jewish district (where many Jews lived before WWII), several old churches, a large indoor market called the Cloth Market where they used to sell cloth...and now it's TONS of traditional crafts and souveneirs, the team went to Auschwitz while Bailey and I stayed back with Sarah (since we'd both been there before), and we enjoyed some yummy food. We were only there for just over 24 hours, so it was a busy time, but fun to see a different city nonetheless. However, I must say I was happy to return to our (relatively) little Olsztyn. There's definitely a different feel here...maybe more laid back, smaller, more rural, less trendy, more traditional...more my style. And it amazes me how the Lord knows these things and sovereignly and wisely put me here in Olsztyn, on a team where I fit in, and with a roomate that I fit with. This knowledge reassures me, as I look ahead to what's next after this time in Poland, that He knows what He's doing!
So, that being said, here are some pictures from my quick time in Krakow. Enjoy!
So, that being said, here are some pictures from my quick time in Krakow. Enjoy!
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Platyny Update
Well, I am back from my adventures in Platyny and then taking the volunteer team to Krakow! Wow, what a week. I'm not really sure how to sum it up, so I will try my best to give you a run-down of what went on throughout the week!
-Tuesday--we headed out to Olsztynek (where we were staying at a campground of sorts in small cabins) and stopped over at the church in Olsztynek for coffee, tea, and delicious blueberry cakes that left all of our mouths bright blue!
-Wednesday--we visited an ethnographic park in the morning, then headed out to Platyny for the first day of the outreach. Kola and Juro, Christian Polish rappers, performed, the volunteer team performed some dramas and shared testimonies, the kids sang songs, made crafts, and played games. And the rain held off until we were literally putting the last bit of equipment away for the night! Praise God!
-Thursday--we were in Nidzica (a town near Olsztynek) for a Kola and Juro concert. We passed out bracelets that had different colors used to tell the story of Jesus and papers to explain the colors. Then, once again, headed to Platyny for more of the same as above. Another good day with no rain and lots of kids and adults hanging around!
-Friday--Kola and Juro performed one last time with us in Olsztynek. We gave out more bracelets and had lots of kids and adults stop by to check out what was going on. This was the last day in Platyny and it was another good one. A little more low-key without Kola and Juro there, but still good.
-Saturday--we rested and packed in the morning, then headed out to Jemiolowo for the afternoon for a mini version of what we did in Platyny. No Kola and Juro, but we did have games and crafts and singing and a campfire complete with kielbasa and s'mores!
I think that overall we were well received, and I'm so thankful for all of the kids and adults that came out--even just out of curiosity to see what in the world was going on! I believe that the love of Christ was definitely shown and I'm clinging to these truths of God's Word from Psalm 29:
"The voice of the Lord is powerful; the voice of the Lord is majestic" and "The voice of the Lord shakes the desert; the Lord shakes the Desert of (Platyny)" Psalm 29:4,8
I know that, throughout the week, the word of God and testimonies of His work in people's lives, have been shared and this verse assures me that God's word that was shared is mighty and powerful and He can use it to do great things; to reveal Himself and His ways to the people who listened.
Here are some praises from the week:
-we were well received
-good weather
-LOTS of kids and many adults came out
-we didn't have any problems with the AA camp that was meeting on the same field
-the volunteer team did a GREAT job; they had great attitudes and came well prepared; they were a HUGE blessing
-many new contacts were made
-we got to talk (through a translator) to a teenage girl from Jemiolowo named Magda. She said that she's not sure what she thinks about Jesus yet, but she believes more and more every day. She's one of the older girls in this village and definitely has influence among her peers. She also seems to really be seeking the Truth and dealing with some things in her life. Please pray for her eyes to be opened to who Christ is and that she'd be drawn to trust Him.
-some great time with the kids in these villages; that was a huge blessing to me, to see how persevering through English classes throughout the year allowed us to bring the gospel to these kids; and they're so stinkin' fun!
So, thank you all for praying for these people throughout the week. As you think about it, please continue to pray for them, that these truths would take root in their hearts.
-Tuesday--we headed out to Olsztynek (where we were staying at a campground of sorts in small cabins) and stopped over at the church in Olsztynek for coffee, tea, and delicious blueberry cakes that left all of our mouths bright blue!
-Wednesday--we visited an ethnographic park in the morning, then headed out to Platyny for the first day of the outreach. Kola and Juro, Christian Polish rappers, performed, the volunteer team performed some dramas and shared testimonies, the kids sang songs, made crafts, and played games. And the rain held off until we were literally putting the last bit of equipment away for the night! Praise God!
-Thursday--we were in Nidzica (a town near Olsztynek) for a Kola and Juro concert. We passed out bracelets that had different colors used to tell the story of Jesus and papers to explain the colors. Then, once again, headed to Platyny for more of the same as above. Another good day with no rain and lots of kids and adults hanging around!
-Friday--Kola and Juro performed one last time with us in Olsztynek. We gave out more bracelets and had lots of kids and adults stop by to check out what was going on. This was the last day in Platyny and it was another good one. A little more low-key without Kola and Juro there, but still good.
-Saturday--we rested and packed in the morning, then headed out to Jemiolowo for the afternoon for a mini version of what we did in Platyny. No Kola and Juro, but we did have games and crafts and singing and a campfire complete with kielbasa and s'mores!
I think that overall we were well received, and I'm so thankful for all of the kids and adults that came out--even just out of curiosity to see what in the world was going on! I believe that the love of Christ was definitely shown and I'm clinging to these truths of God's Word from Psalm 29:
"The voice of the Lord is powerful; the voice of the Lord is majestic" and "The voice of the Lord shakes the desert; the Lord shakes the Desert of (Platyny)" Psalm 29:4,8
I know that, throughout the week, the word of God and testimonies of His work in people's lives, have been shared and this verse assures me that God's word that was shared is mighty and powerful and He can use it to do great things; to reveal Himself and His ways to the people who listened.
Here are some praises from the week:
-we were well received
-good weather
-LOTS of kids and many adults came out
-we didn't have any problems with the AA camp that was meeting on the same field
-the volunteer team did a GREAT job; they had great attitudes and came well prepared; they were a HUGE blessing
-many new contacts were made
-we got to talk (through a translator) to a teenage girl from Jemiolowo named Magda. She said that she's not sure what she thinks about Jesus yet, but she believes more and more every day. She's one of the older girls in this village and definitely has influence among her peers. She also seems to really be seeking the Truth and dealing with some things in her life. Please pray for her eyes to be opened to who Christ is and that she'd be drawn to trust Him.
-some great time with the kids in these villages; that was a huge blessing to me, to see how persevering through English classes throughout the year allowed us to bring the gospel to these kids; and they're so stinkin' fun!
So, thank you all for praying for these people throughout the week. As you think about it, please continue to pray for them, that these truths would take root in their hearts.
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