So, I've been AWOL from the blog world for a while...first, we were without internet for about 12 days (the first few days were kind of fun and "rustic"...but then I grew somewhat crazy without it, so all of mankind should be thankful it's back!), second, there just hasn't been much going on lately, so I've been rather uninspired! However, all it took was some fun with this great website ( for the inspiration to return. Check out these fun/disgusting pictures of my family as we would have looked throughout different years and styles. Kyle's picture worked so well, he got a small slideshow dedicated to himself! Also, it's his birthday today, so he gets the extra honor =) I'm sure this is just what he wanted!

Dad--1960. I'm pretty sure this one's actually pretty accurate!

mom--1962...I'll bet she used pop cans and an iron to achieve that look!!!

Me--1994...this is Amber's handiwork and it's absolutely disgusting! Gross!
And, finally, Kyle. I think he was destined to have a mullet!
That's hysterical!! Thanks for the laughs. I think I went to high school with Kyle in that plaid sport coat. The mullet reminds me of Brad. This will probably be the updated version of "Elf yourself". I've got to see if Kyle knows about this!
PS You look like one of the Jamaican track women.
That is hysterical!! I love Kyle's variety of looks. And you look like you could have been really good friends with Jill in HS (I think her senior picture is very, very similar!). I definitely am going to go play with this one!!
These pics are great! Thanks for entering such a funny blogg :) I am sure some of your cousins will be submitting additional pics in the near future. Aunt Barb
These pics are great! Thanks for entering such a funny blogg :) I am sure some of your cousins will be submitting additional pics in the near future. Aunt Barb
i LOVE this!!! I can't wait to play with it when i get some down time. I think Kyle could make the curly long-hair one possible in real life...
I have a ton of photos from the weekend to put on my blog, but i'm thinking that this might trump them all and get done first! Thanks for the laugh!!`
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