So, here it is: I got a tattoo!!! Yes, it's true. Amber got one too. We went with our friends Ala and Nina on Friday and, would you believe, I have woken up every morning since and checked...and it's still there! It doesn't come off in the shower. Yep. It's there for good.
I got the word "hope" (with a little heart in the 'o') on the top of my foot. Amber got the word "faithful" in the same spot with a little red flower beside it (and the "tattoo guy" as well as another guy there asked if that was the right way to spell it, with only one 'l'. We said yes...then double checked to be sure!) I chose the word "hope" because it's something I've learned a lot about here in Poland and will remind me of my time here and it's something that has become even more precious to me. If I may bend your ear for a moment....
"Hope" means a confident expectation and I love knowing that the word "hope" tattooed on my foot isn't coming off. I can confidently tattoo this word on my foot because my hope in Christ will never, ever fail me. He will never fail me. No matter what happens in life, Christ will never change and His promises will still stand, and in this is my hope; this is my confident expectation. It's so easy to put hope in other things, but there's always an uncertainty about it. Money (the current economic situation says it all!), people, jobs, stuff, my own abilities...whatever. BUT, I can't fully rest in any of that because it can change and fail! In Christ, I can exhale and rest and stand confidently knowing that He will never change, will never fail me, and has made amazing promises in His Word to me...promises to never leave me, to direct my steps, to hold me and not let me fall, to be near to me, and on and on. Throughout my time here, I've needed to lean on Christ more than I can say. And I will be the first to admit that I didn't always do it so well (this is a good time to add that this hope in Christ has NOTHING to do with me or anything I've done or with being here in's to all of us that His hope is offered--freely and abundantly which is yet another reason I wantd this word as a tattoo!). But, it's just been a time of discovering that, when you have nowhere else to turn and are in a foreign land without family and familiar friends, with a language you cannot speak or understand and you feel like it's all chaos...there's hope. Because Christ hasn't changed and His promises haven't changed either. I've learned to just sit down and, when I didn't know what else to do, to hope. And not that "wow, I hope we have nice weather this weekend" kind of hope. The kind of hope that you can stake your whole life on and know that He will come through.
I don't know if any of that makes any sense, but I just wanted to try to share my heart a little bit about something that I've learned here, and I'm sure will continue to learn throughout my life. And, of course, there are MANY other things I've learned. I could probably fill up my whole body with tattoos about things that have been significant over the past two years...but, don't worry mom and dad, I won't!
Now, for some pictures of the "big" day =)
*Ok, not that this post isn't already long enough, but here goes. Does anyone else (i.e.- cousins who spent time at the trailer in the 80's) remember the poster we used to have at the trailer of the little guy from Fantasy Island? You know, the "De plane, boss! De plane!" guy?? I have NO idea why that was hanging up in the trailer, but talking about tattoos made me think of it and thinking about it brought a smile to my face. Just thought I'd share =)
a tattoo??? welcome to the club! did it hurt on the foot? it seems too boney there for story though!
Just to share with your readers that we did know that you were going to do this, which was nice, but I hope you don't get hepatitis C. Actually, I agree with Brenda that I always thought bony areas would hurt. We need to see a close up, too. Who would have thought that you'd be the Gordon who got a tattoo? Seriously, that was a beautiful post. Thank you for sharing. By the way, you could have just bought more pottery. Love you!!
wow- a couple days away and i sure missed a lot-- i saw what you wrote on kyle's facebook and i jumped over here hoping to see more!
I agree, we need a closeup photo, or i guess we'll see it soon enough in person!
love the story behind the ink. :)
hey, we should take all of our moms for tattoos next summer when we're all at the lake....what, no?
Ok, Lori, but you might have to get us pretty boozed up first!
Thanks for sharing the story behind the tatoo! I will probably have to wait for the new & improved tatoo application that will come without needles... maybe in a pill? :) You will need to base new sandal shopping on the placement of the tatoo, so it is easily seen. I think it will give you many opportunities to share the message of hope.
Aunt Barb
ok, so you havent read Leviticus lately? (ha) My son is not allowed to read this--if Miss Jessica, precious little Miss Jesssica gets a tatoo surely he can get a firey skull and and dragon shooting fire and arrows and other things on his arm--i keep telling him it hurts too bad--great story--is this the same woman I know? T.
in commenting on the past 4 blogs, I have been a very bad blog reader lately too. Love the haircut. Nice tattoo. I must admit I was quite surprised. Don't count on ever getting me to get one. Will be praying that you get the most out of these last few weeks and we will be very happy to have you home. Aunt Jenni
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