Ok, one more post tonight, to respond to the hysterical comments on the picture post. So, Lori, I love the Polish Pirate Chic idea, but feel like I couldn't pull it off. I think that people would look at me and really think I had something seriously wrong with me. I also have a hair story for you, too. So, yes, we do have hairdryers, but we've both had hair issues here. The first morning we were here, Amber plugged in her international voltage hair straightener, ready to straighten away the humid air frizzies. We immediately noticed a slight burning odor in the air, but decided that it was simply the smell of a new straightener warming up. We had ourselves convinced until Amber actually put the straightener through her hair and we smelled the distinct odor of burning hair...smoke and everything. Yeah, it was bad. There are several sections of crispy hair...any suggestions????
I have had the issue of not getting all of the shampoo out of my hair. I mean really, am I five years old again???? We have this shower-head-on-a-hose thing that barely reaches to the top of my 5'3 head! AND forget good hair once you step outside into the hurricane! Think Flock of Seagulls...
Do you have really soft water, or is it that there's only a trickle of water? One suggestion - use less shampoo! Or... in my formative years we used PSSSSST to spray on and brush thru to get the oil out instead of shampooing. If that's not available, talcum powder works!
Oh no! Fried-up hair is the WORST! Maybe once you actually get a mailing address I can send Amber some industrial-strength conditioner to treat her "special" pieces. (That's what we call them at work. It sounds better than "fried").
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