Once again, I have no clue how to move these things around! So, here we go! Obviously, the picture of the puppets is NOT Amber and I having fun in our flat...that's from Saturday. The other picture of Amber and me and some random man in an advertisement is us at the bus stop all bundled up! You can also check out Amber drying the Stevenson's floor after several moppings, trying to get rid of all the dust from the work being done. Finally, this is a picture looking towards the downtown area. And enjoy the little freebie from me at no extra charge.
Jessica, I love reading your blog. Thanks for keeping it updated. I think of you often and pray for you. There are days even when I think I'd like to be with you. I love you girl!
Amber looks like Pippi Longstocking. Remember her mopping in the movie?
Here's an FYI for you and/or your blog readers. I've tried to check the weather in Olzstyn on weather.com, but it won't come up. However, google Olzstyn, Poland, then click on weather. Besides finding out when the sun sets, and that there are 2-3 minutes more daylight (when you can see it), click on pictures that Olzstynites or tourists have contributed. There are some really good ones. I just like to feel a little connection.
That's a really cute pix of you two girls. Thanks for the blog updates. Your cousins are slacking!
Love, Mom
Hey... easy on the slam on the cousins! Do you really want another blog update documenting the daily life of a miserable pregnant lady? I'll try to add some excitement to my life for you Nancy, and get a decent blog together!
Thanks for the photos! It's so fun to get a little peek into your life. By the way...I want to come to Poland! Just think of all the photos I could take!!!! :)
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