My love with this show started about 6 years ago when I was a junior in college (I think that was the last time I lived in a house that actually had cable!). The Discovery Channel aired a show about the Dealiest Job in the World and it was all about crab fishing. It featured boats on big waves. I was hooked. However, at this point, it wasn't a series. So, imagine my bliss when I came to learn, three years ago, that they were going to air a series all about crab fishing. Wonderful.
Of course, as I mentioned before, I didn't have cable in my little house in Huron, so getting my weekly fix of Deadliest Catch required trekking all the way down the street to my parents' house to watch it (I conveniently found a way to be fed while I was there too!). Getting my fix nowadays proves to be a little more troublesome than a walk down the street, but many, many profuse thanks to Aunt Barb and Uncle Tom for keeping me hooked!
Ok so it's been awhile since I've been on your blog and it's always very entertaining. You're the only person I've ever heard of being interested in the Deadliest Catch, but if my husband knew about it he would be hooked as well. Can you email some things that you are in need of...I have a package to send, but want to get you some "essential stateside" favorites. Take care, Jenn
I second the request for a list of things you may want/need. It is an easy posting for your blog!!
Alright, the "gimme blog" is coming. You can feel free to include some of the drugstore items you put on your Christmas list. By the way, we just didn't keep up with D.C. as well without you here. If that's what it takes to get you stateside, then we're all for it! 1 more day left for the gales of November. We have strong enough wind today, but not from the north.
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