Spring has sprung and March did indeed go out like a lamb! Woo-hoo! Over the past few days, as we've been out and about, it's been very apparent that spring is in the air in Olsztyn. And it's a pretty welcome feeling, let me tell ya! I don't recall being so eager and excited for spring last year, but after spending the whole winter here this year (even though it wasn't a particularly harsh winter), I find myself noticing the little "signs" of spring around town. So far, these are the things I've noticed:
*first of all, there are a LOT more people out and about; it seems that everyone has re-surfaced after a winter of hibernating*we were on the bus Sunday afternoon and some of the windows were open
*there are buds on all of the trees, and some are even starting to look a little green
*the ice cream stands are open and people are walking around throughout the daylight hours eating it (I love this place!)
*as you look at the many apartment buildings near us, you can see lots of open windows and clothes hung out on balconies to dry
*we actually had a (small) thunderstorm Saturday! I saw one huge bolt of lightning and heard a couple rolls of thunder. It's small, but you've got to start somewhere and I'll take it!
*I wore my contacts (which frees up the eyes for sunglasses) today, probably for the first time since Italy in September...I must confess I sit here tonight with a bit of a headache, but I consider it a small price to pay for sunshine
*there were tables outside at one of the coffee shops in old town today
*Amber broke out her favorite sandals (Chacos) today
*the ladybugs (or whatever the technical name for those obnoxious bugs that infiltrate every home apparently across continents) are out in full force
*the storks are returning to Poland (and it is here that I must confess that I didn't think storks were real until moving to Poland. I mean, of course they fly around delivering babies, but I didn't know they did normal bird-like things such as build ginormous nests and, well, fly back to Poland and whatever else it is that birds do.)
So, as you can see, spring is here. Now, in keeping with my realist tendencies, I will say that I am fully aware of the fickle nature of nature. So, I won't be shocked or disappointed if/when snow returns...but I know that it will only be for a short while and we are well on our way to summer! Here are some pictures from our walk in town this afternoon.
Happy Spring!