Can you see us??? These our are new beds for a couple of weeks. You take what you can get here!
Well, I don't really have anything too exciting to blog about right now, but wanted to touch base before I check out for a few weeks. Right now, we're hanging out in our flat waiting for the volunteer team from America to arrive. They're coming from Arkansas and are here for a little over a week to help out with a camp for high school students. We're leaving tomorrow for the camp and will be MIA for the week. Then, after a quick night back here in Olsztyn next Saturday, we head to Warsaw where we'll say good-bye to the team and I'll meet my parents! They're heading in on the 6th, then we'll hang out for the week until they leave on the 13th. Then, right after they leave on the 13th I'll head out, with Amber, to a little town near here to spend the week helping out with a mini-crusade-ish-type-thing. Phew! It's definitely going to be an action packed few weeks, but I'm looking forward to some good times.

Well, I'm off to go finish packing. I'll check back with you all in three weeks! So long!