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Ok, so quite a while ago, my cousin Amy challenged her blog readers to come up with five things we thought other people wouldn't know about us. Other than the obvious (that I'm a slow responder) here are my five, in no particular order:1) I love trucks. I don't mean wimpy Rangers or S-10s, I mean "big boy" trucks, as my dad calls them.2) I would love to fire a gun. Not AT anyone, but at a shooting range or something. 3) I really, really, really don't like the eye doctor. I could go to the dentist ANY DAY, but I HATE the eye doctor.4) I have really poor circulation. Sometimes my hands turn purple. All the kids I taught at school would ask "what's wrong with your hands?!?!?!" in utter shock and dismay. Nice.5) I don't like meat. I'm not a vegetarian, but if I have a choice, I usually don't prefer meat.So, there you go. You can now psychoanalize me and find that I'm definitely a red neck at heart. Just give me a big truck, with a horn that plays "Dixie" and a gun rack on the back, and I'm good to go.

Here are some pictures from my time here in Virginia so far. I still don't really know how to move the pictures around on the post, so I don't know what this will end up looking like! Someday I'll figure that one out. Somewhere on this post (hopefully!) is a picture of me and Amber, the woman I'll be working with. There's another woman going with us, named Patsy, but I don't have any pictures of her yet. Amber and I will primarily be working with students at the university. She's super fun and really sweet, and so is Patsy. It's been really great getting to know them. And Amber has a strange fascination with mullets, which TOTALLY reminds me of Kyle. We just got back from an evening out with several other women. We went to eat at Friday's, then made a quick stop at Target. We were all so tired, we had to get back and get to bed! My schedule has DEFINITELY changed from the previous two months! Anyhoo...the other three pictures are pretty self explanatory. I'm at a place called the "International Learning Center" and it's on quite a few acres, with woods and a small farm and a little lake. It's absolutely beautiful here. It's like a small college campus, with buildings of classrooms, a library, a computer lab, dorms, a dining hall and things like that. Last night, all of the Journeyman (which are the under 30 and single crew who are going to serve for 2 years) were invited over to the home of the director of our Orientation program. They hosted nearly 70 of us! It was a really neat time. We had pizza, cake, and got to know everyone a bit more. Today I finished up the second of two Saturdays getting a certificate in ESL (English as a Second Language). It was pretty interesting, and I'm sure all of my teaching family members and friends will attest to how useful that will be whether here or overseas!So now I'm waiting for Patsy to finish her shower so I can go get ready for bed and crash! Tomorrow we have church in the morning, which is really cool. We meet in small groups of about 8 or so, rather than as a large group. It's a really cool way to do church and gets us ready for what most of us will experience overseas. Well, Patsy just came out and informed me that the leading cause of conflict in marriage is whether you squeeze the toothpaste from the top, middle, or bottom, so that must mean she's out of the bathroom! Time for bed! By the way, married ladies, is that true?!?!?!?!