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...oh, yes, it does get better. This is quite possibly one of my favorite movies. It's the Indian Bollywood version of Pride and Prejudice. It's full of beautiful clothes, beautiful people, and great songs and dancing. The best part is the scene on the beach which includes a full gospel choir, dancing lifegaurds, and singing surfers. How great is that. Sadly, I'd seen Bride and Prejudice before Pride and Prejudice, so I found myself watching P&P thinking "hey! That's just like on Bride and Prejudice!" The storyline is basically the same, but this movie focuses more on the sinister Mr. Wickham and his relationship with both Lalita (this version's Lizzy) and her younger sister Lakhi. Like I said, the music is great (you can listen here); the dancing is fun; the clothes are beautiful; and there are parts that are hillarious. But, you definitely have to be ready for major cheese. I have to admit...while I was watching it, I was briefly reminded of a little known, late 80's hit movie (at least in the Lehman household) known around the world by one little word...Shag. Good times.

I have to admit that I've been on kind of a Romantic movie kick lately. It all started with the "new" Pride and Prejudice that I watched with my mom a few weeks ago. While I've seen movies of other Jane Austen books (Sense and Sensibility and Emma), I'd never seen any film adaptations of P&P. Aside from a few particular details, I loved it. I loved the formality of their manners and etiquette (sorry, I'm a sap for that stuff), the beautiful scenery, and of course the love story. I love that Lizzy (the main character) falls in love with Mr. Darcy mainly because of his character and how he un-cerimoniously helps her family and does what he thinks is best for his friend. She isn't first and foremost attracted to his money and looks (although they definitely don't hurt!), but grows in affection toward him because she gets to know him as a man. I feel like you rarely see that in movies now. That being said, there were some things that bothered me. First and foremost: HER HAIR!!! For crying out loud, couldn't someone have made that wig fit better??? It was awful. There were little hairs hanging out of the back! Also, while I love the sound of classic writing in those Brittish accents, it was hard to hear and understand. I also have to say that, while most of what Lizzie said (especially to Mr. Darcy) was true and honest without trying to flatter or win opinions of others, she was harsh!Anyways, I did like the movie and the best part is the ending. I love this line: "you have bewitched me body and soul." Doesn't get much better than that...or does it??????

So, yesterday was just one of those days that was so sweet. It's nice to have those once in a while. It wasn't anything big or exciting or pre-planned, it just sort of happened. My friend Angie came over for the afternoon and, because it was such a beautiful day, we decided to take advantage of it and go for a bike ride. It was perfect. We rode down to a bike trail in Huron that runs along the Huron River and listened to the birds and insects, looked at the pretty flowers, and just absolutely had a great time. It was definitely one of my favorite days of the summer.Here are some pictures from our wonderful day.(By the way...I have no idea how to arrange pictures on this thing, they just sort
of show up in any old layout, so bare with me!)We saw this graffiti while riding beneath an old railraod bridge...for Angie's sake I restrained myself from breaking out into "Ice, Ice Baby" with dance moves and all.The picture of the snake is the snake Angie ran over with her bike. The snake survived; Angie almost didn't.The picture of the person is Angie (Any hints from the family on arranging these pictures???? I have no idea where these "captions" will show up, so I don't know what to write! Help!)Anyhoo...we had a sweet day, saw some interesting things, and got some exercise. Good times.
This post actually began as a comment in response to this question from my cousin Amy. My comment was getting too ridiculously long, so I thought I'd turn it into my own post. Classes had just recently started at Ohio University and I had just left a morning class and went to the Bookstore to check if a book I needed was in yet. I ran into a friend at the Bookstore who told me that a plane crashed into a building in NYC, but I honestly didn't even really think much about it and went home, changed, and went on a long bike ride because it was such a gorgeous fall day. While struggling to get up one of Athens' many hills on my bike, I remember thinking that I never turned on the news to see what my friend was talking about and I'd have to remember to do that when I got back. I peddled home and turned on the tv and soon found that nothing was the same. Images of the planes crashing into the different sites around the country were on every station. I didn't even really comprehend all that was going on, but I remember that I wanted to talk to my dad right away. I also just wanted to hear the voices of the ones I loved and hated being far away from them. I remember my dad saying that he just wanted all of us to be together and go to the Lake. I don't know particularly why the Lake, but that's exactly what I thought, too. I just wanted to have my family near. I remember going to bed that night and looking out the window by my bed. It seemed surreal. I was in Athens, listening to crickets and stillness. Surely not what they were experiencing in NYC. Surely not what thousands of families, waiting and fearing, were experiencing. I, too, noticed lots of attention given to 9/11 this year, commemorating the 5th anniversary. As I watched, I was again reminded (which I suppose is the whole purpose of Rememberance Day) of my frailty and that I'm not assured security simply because I live in America. My security must lie in Jesus Christ, the One who never leaves, never fails, and never changes, no matter what happens. I must rest in the One who knows the beginning from the end and who still reigns in the midst of chaos, although I may not understand. He doesn't consult me for His plans, but rather tells me to trust Him and know that He loves me and has a perfect plan that, in the end, will culminate in His glory and my good. "When the earth quakes and its people live in turmoil, I am the One who keeps its foundations firm." Psalm 75:3
Ok, so I've only scrapbooked once in my life...ever. I realize that I may have just sent a few of my cousins into cardiac arrest with that confession, but it's true. I really enjoyed it (it was one of those Creative Memories parties) and even bought a scrapbook to start. However, I literally haven't even taken the thing out of the plastic and that was going on four years ago. For whatever reason (and let's be honest, a huge reason is MONEY!!! That stuff isn't cheap!) I never really got into it, altough I think they're so cute when other people create them.Anyways, I was spending some time with the Lord, reading the Bible the other morning and came across this verse: "Every day of my life was recorded in Your book." Psalm 139:16I just thought that was so neat and it immediately reminded me of scrapbooking! I know people scrapbook to capture memories that are precious and sweet to them and I'd have to guess (being neither a scrapbooker OR a mother) that most mothers would LOVE to have the time and resources to scrap every day of their child's lives...even the rotten ones to remind their children of when they are parents themselves! It was such a precious thought to know that that's the same delight and detail and involvement that the Lord has for us as His creation. He cares for and desires to be involved in every detail of every day of our lives. He's there and He cares. He never forgets or misses a single day, a single hurt, joy, need, fear...nothing. We will never ever encounter a single day that the Lord hasn't promised to be there and paying attention. Acts 16: 27 says "He is not far from any one of us." And His promise is that we have complete and utter security, every single day we will ever live and into eternity, offered to us through Jesus and that "He will never leave us or forsake us" (Hebrews 13:5). Pretty amazing to think about. Any maybe even enough motivation to start scrapbooking for my experiences in Poland!
Ok, so I'm still teary eyed, but I just watched a great movie. I just got done watching Akeelah and the Bee and I think everyone should see it! It's great and the kids in the movie are GREAT actors and actresses. What a sweet movie. AND I found a new word. My friend Jenn would always say that she had diarrhea of the mouth and there's a word for that! Logorrhea! Who knew?!?!
So, nothing too exciting to post, just some random thoughts a la my cousin Amy:~I was just doing some browsing on the web and found an interesting and informative site about the town where I'll be living in Poland. I thought I'd post it if anyone's interested!~So, I'm watching Lost and watching them all scramble around, fighting to stay alive and I got started to thinking: everything else they were living for was left behind after the crash. I mean, think about it. If I were suddenly stripped of all the stuff I easily think life is about (careers, friends, achievements, retirement, even family) and realize that life really does go on without these things, what's the purpose of life then? All of those things, although not necessarily bad things, are not secure and unshakable (we saw this a year ago in Katrina). I guess that's where you come down to asking what is secure and unshakable, what can be counted on no matter what. I know of only One, Jesus, the One who promises to never leave or fail me, no matter what other junk happens in life...even if I were stranded on a whacked out island! (although, I really wouldn't mind being stranded with Matthew Fox...)~Another musing from Lost: so, they're stranded on this island, fighting for survival, and they each have different talents and skills and knowledge that is needed for their survival. They can't afford to have petty fights over who's in charge and all that junk. It's just like in a church (or even work or family, really). When we meet Christ, we're each given specific gifts (along with our own backgrounds, skills, and experiences) that we're to use to help the church function in a healthy and growing way. If we're picking at each other, we're not going to make it! On the flip side, if we're looking out for the good of the group other than ourselves first, we'll offer our skills and gifts and get done what needs done!~My dad and I are going to a flea market tomorrow morning. Why are they called flea markets? Anyone?~I got a new dress for two weddings and a birthday party in October. It's chocolate chip brown, little cap sleeves, with a little sash around the waist. It's called a "garden dress" and it reminds me of something from the 60's. Now, I just need the perfect shoes.~I found myself back in Mansfield today (don't ask!) with my friend Brandi. We went to Kingwood Center, this 47 acre estate with a mansion on it that they've kept up as a beautiful garden. It was great walking through the paths and through the house, pretending it was mine and dreaming up what type of parties I would have in the gardens. Wouldn't that be fun?!?!Ok, well, I'm through. Was that random enough? Have a great Labor Day Weekend!